Friday, February 15, 2013

High Five For Friday!

Hey All! It's been a bit since I posted and I missed you guys! I love people's High Five for Friday posts so I thought I would throw one at ya today!

1) Yesterday was Valentine's Day and I am usually a single girl on this day and that's totally OK because I LOVE Valentine's Day anyway! Yesterday though my sweetie brought me some gorgeous flowers to work and we went out to Charcoal  where we had a ridiculously delicious meal specially picked out for Valentine's Day. It was YUMMY and I wore a dress that I just bought that day at the Zoe's Sale. I have blogged about before. 

2) I love this dress that I got at the sale! It's cashmere and silk and has pearls and rhinestones in it. I bought a ton of amazing things but this dress is my favorite find. I also love this self pic because for some reason I look ridiculously skinny - which I am not but I will take this angle any day!
3) It's Lent and I am doing my ritual Facebook cleanse. I LOVE me some Facebook but the break is healthy and good for me. I live for me more and don't worry about posting and checking in everywhere I go. I always seem to have crazy and fun things happen during this time - or life changing things. It's weird but it's like God knows I am off Facebook and plans my life accordingly.

4) I made this recipe from Hungry Girl the other night - and OMG. LIFE CHANGING! SO easy and good. Men will be impressed and you will lose weight!! This was absolutely delicious. Check it out and try it!!

5) Sunday I had an amazing girls brunch at the Melting Pot with my favorite girls in the world. It was wonderful and so fun having all my peeps in one room to share a delicious meal. My heart swells every time I see this picture!

Have a fantastic week my friends!


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